Aluminum Shelters: Perfect for Guard Shacks, Booths & More

Five Reasons Why You Need to Build Aluminum Shelters

Aluminum Shelters

Aluminum shelters have been making appearances in more and more areas of life over the past few decades, and we think that’s due to a number of very good reasons. Aluminum shelters can serve many different purposes, going beyond simply keeping equipment and people dry from the elements. Different kinds of shelters made out of aluminum can be used for the public good, in an effort to provide more people with ways to stay safe during the harsh winter months across the United States and the world, ranging from aluminum bus shelters to guard shelters. An aluminum booth can be used to improve one’s property, provide additional areas to congregate during public events, and much more – let’s dive into some of the overwhelming benefits that aluminum shelters can provide.

1) Versatility

Aluminum is a lightweight metal that is easily shaped and cut, making it ideal for constructing structures to a specific design. Because of this, aluminum allows for building designers to dream up whatever shapes, dimensions, and sizes they can come up with. Aluminum is also quite cheap when compared to many building materials, making it an inexpensive and versatile option for building new shelters.

Aluminum can be used to make an incredibly array of shelter types, including aluminum micro shelters for storing small amounts of equipment, building materials, or other items – micro shelters made of aluminum are starting to become more and more commonplace as architects and building planners realize the cost-effectiveness of aluminum. Other shelter types we’re seeing more are aluminum modular shelters for buildings that need to be rapidly constructed, rounded aluminum shelters that can withstand heavy loads of snow, moisture, and UV rays, and more. To be clear, modular aluminum shelters are constructed out of pre-made pieces that easily fit together, making construction quick and simple.

With aluminum, structures can be designed to hold an incredible variety of shapes, giving designers and architects the unique ability to outline and build shelters and structures with their own unique vision. Cheap aluminum shelters can be ideal for aluminum park shelters or park buildings, bus stops, rest stops on hiking trails, backyard sheds for housing tools and sporting equipment, pool-houses, and more. Since aluminum can be used in almost any environment or weather condition without consequence, it is incredibly versatile.

More shelter types that can be made with this versatile material include aluminum shade shelters for hot climates, aluminum picnic shelters for when you want a predetermined destination for your next outdoor excursion, aluminum garage shelters to protect vehicles and tools, and aluminum outdoor shelters for general protection against the elements.

2) Virtually Weather-Proof

One of the other major benefits of using aluminum when building structures intended for outdoor use is the fact that aluminum is almost impervious to weather. It’s light and malleable, and won’t rust when exposed to rain, sleet, snow, or whatever else Mother Nature decides to throw at it.

Weatherproofing structures can be a tedious endeavor, so utilizing a material that has that capability built into it is certainly a plus. Aluminum can be used in any climate that steel can be used in, just with the added benefit of needing little to no maintenance after heavy rainfall or a snowstorm.

Since aluminum isn’t as strong as steel or other metals, after a hurricane or windstorm it’s probably a good idea to check in on your aluminum structures. However, aluminum is ideal for lightweight shelters , aluminum phone booths, and parking booths that won’t be bearing a tremendous amount of weight. While you might think that these shelters are more prone to blowing away in a storm, it’s in fact just the opposite.

parking booth in custom colors

Lighter booth structures are easier to secure against the elements. A few well-placed bolts and securing devices and your aluminum bus shelter, equipment shed, or makeshift tent will stand strong no matter the weather. Size doesn’t affect aluminum’s weather resistance either, so both a aluminum 10 x 10 display booth and a 7 x 12 aluminum shelter – or a booth of any other size – will stay strong no matter what elements are present in your environment.

This allows for aluminum to be used in a number of different climates and environments. Its immunity to rust is one of its key highlights, as that means it’s effective in both wet and dry environments. This gives it a major edge over other metals like steel and iron, and also over materials like wood and brick, which will both show signs of wear and tear caused by the elements over time. In other words, if you come across a vintage aluminum telephone booth for sale, chances are it’ll look just as it did when originally manufactured – or at least pretty close.

3) Easy to Construct

Aluminum shelters have the benefit of being made out of aluminum, which while not as strong as steel or iron, is still a metal with an incredibly high strength-to-weight ratio. Aluminum shelters can be constructed to hold up much more weight than you might think possible, which allows shelters to go beyond the basics if that’s your desire.

Aluminum shelters can be built to hold glass panes, HVAC units, and other additions that you might have thought impossible or unlikely to be in your shelter. That could mean more natural light, more comfortable conditions, and whatever other benefits your additions might bring with them.

Aluminum is also easy to work with due to its light weight and malleability. Aluminum can be curved and manipulated by metal-workers to achieve a remarkable variety of shapes and sizes, which can give your rounded shelters, portable offices, or park shelters a distinct feeling in their design. The potential for builders to construct the structures they’ve imagined with extreme precision makes aluminum a premier choice for aspiring designers trying to construct their first projects.

Aluminum booth frames and even premanufactured aluminum ticket booths are also easy to change and adapt due to the amicable nature of their building material. That means they can be added onto after construction with ease, and also built incredibly quickly. If construction for works of public good need to be created quickly, aluminum shelters are the way to go.

Aluminum is a material that can be found in booths pretty much everywhere.  Whether you need additional cover in an area, want another room available to whoever will be using the structures, or just want to add in a sculpture that you think could really liven the whole thing up, it’s entirely possible with aluminum!

modular office booth interior

4) Environmentally Sustainable

As we continue moving into the future, it’s important that architects, building designers, and city planners all consider sustainability when laying out plans for their projects. Building with aluminum is increasingly becoming an important way that we can stay sustainable while continuously designing new projects for construction. Consider the exploding work of Stefano Boeri across the globe – it is architects like this that are becoming more and more utilized around the world, and that is likely to continue to be the case.

Aluminum is easily recyclable when compared to other materials. Many modern skyscrapers utilize aluminum in 50-85% of their total designs, making them a greener option when compared to traditional building materials. This is especially important when taking into account the lifespan of your aluminum shelters. If you only need to construct a shelter for a park concert or series of events taking place outdoors, then a 10 x 10 aluminum booth could be an excellent option for you.

Aluminum shelters take the waste and excess that is typically associated with temporary shelters and turns that notion on its head, as aluminum can be easily repurposed for other building projects, or just outright recycled altogether.

The fact that aluminum doesn’t rust is another signifier of its environmental benefits, as there will be no waste to throw away when the project reaches its end. It’s resistance to rust paired with the fact that it leaks no toxic waste and won’t contribute any negative chemical components to its environment makes aluminum a total powerhouse of sustainable construction. Recycling aluminum also only uses 5% of the energy taken to construct the original aluminum – this might be why almost all of the aluminum used in construction is recycled.

5) Reducing Overall Costs

Aluminum is very cheap when compared to materials like wood, steel, and iron. Its material costs alone differentiate it from other building material options – it’s just cheaper overall. That means you can build larger shelters with aluminum than you could other materials with the exact same budget, meaning planners can go bigger without worrying about draining their funds to quickly.

The low maintenance that aluminum requires is another way to reduce construction costs. Shelters can be designed and built out of aluminum without anyone worrying over the harmful effects of UV rays on the structure’s integrity, or the effect that precipitation and other elements of the weather will have on the longevity of structures.

Aluminum is also coated naturally with oxide, which is what makes it virtually immune to corrosion of any kind. No corrosion means no rust, and no rust means no one worrying about the aesthetics or durability of the shelters.

Aluminum is classified as a non-combustible building material, as newsflash: it doesn’t burn. That means that fire safety and the like aren’t things designers need to stress about too much, making maintenance costs even lower. Plus, aluminum is naturally very thermally efficient, which can reduce air conditioning costs if those were a factor.

Aluminum naturally reduces heat transmission between heat sources and the metal itself, meaning shelters will stay naturally cool during the summer, while still retaining heat in the colder months. This natural tendency to retain and reject heat when necessary makes aluminum a fantastic choice when designing outdoor shelters, as they’ll stay naturally comfortable no matter what nature comes up with.

No matter the purpose of your aluminum shelter, it’s clear that this is one building material that can stand the test of time. Even if it’s only temporary, its recyclability means that isn’t a problem that designers need to worry about. If permanent, its strength, corrosion resistance, and near invulnerability to the elements also make it an ideal choice. Overall, there’s nothing negative to say about aluminum shelters, so consider aluminum for your next construction project.

Seeking an aluminum phone booth for sale? Contact Guardian Booth for more information about aluminum shelters and their benefits.

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