Guard Shack Manufacturers: The Story of Quality Guard Booths

Guard Shack Manufacturers’ Journey: How Guardian Booth Creates Quality Guard Booths for Sale

When Abraham Taub started Guardian Booth during his gap year between premed and medical school, he probably didn’t expect this side project to explode into a booming booths manufacturing business, home to over 50 employees, and a large customer base. After discovering that many guard shack manufacturers were either producing very cumbersome, heavy structures for booths, or lighter, converted portable toilets, an obvious void of lightweight, sturdy, long-term booths in the market drew his attention.

He decided to fill that void by turning into a booth manufacturer and producing his own line of quality guard booths.

Building the company from scratch in an empty lot in his hometown of Spring Valley, NY, along with his lifelong friend, Abe Breuer, (who affectionately calls Abraham ‘the doctor’), the two soon-to-be guardhouse manufacturers set out to reinvent the security booth.

As the booth manufacturing company quickly grew from its humble cradle to a 3,000 square foot space and then to a 15,000 square foot facility before quadrupling in size to the current 60,000 square foot headquarters, moved past its early days of rudimentary advertisements of ‘pre-manufactured guard booth for sale,’ expanding  its line of pre-fab booths to include toll booths, parking attendant booths, ticket booths, modular factory offices, and more. The team also developed more sophisticated guard shack manufacturers methods as time went on, and the guard booth became one of the most popular booth types sold..guard shack manufacturers production site

guard shack manufacturer Abraham Taub

Guardian Booth began attracting a spectrum of consumers, from construction sites to school campuses, from hospitals to stadiums, airports and amusement parks. And of course, there are many traditional requests for standard parking booth manufacturers.

With customer service as its cornerstone, these guard booth manufacturers carefully guide clients through the booth-buying process for their guard booth, ensuring it’s a smooth and direct ride for each and every client.

The Initial Call

“Most of our sales are completed in our role of security guard room manufacturers,” says Dorothy Forcina, Director of Administration, “although we do a fair number of ticket booths as well.”

A client will usually find Guardian Booth because of a referral or by doing a basic google search for booth companies, and then will proceed to make the call.

First step in attaining a quality guard booth is determining what the criteria are. If there is a short-term need, like a seasonal event, then a customer might be directed towards a rental rather than a permanent purchase. Once that’s sorted out, most callers are ready to get specific.

“They’ll ask about size, we’ll talk about how many people they need in the space, the amenities we can put in, A/C, electricity, and a restroom, all of that will depend on the site they’ll be at,” Dorothy explains. An important part of the planning stage is understanding exactly what the client needs and how the booth will be used, so customer service can give the most accurate recommendations. If the guard booth will be in use during the winter, then heating will be an important consideration. If a guard booth will be located a far distance from a main building, including a restroom will be part of the discussion. If there is a lot of paperwork being done in the guard booth, a desk and storage file might be included. If it’s being used as a security shack, tinted windows may be an option. If it’s a ticket booth, a microphone might be required. It’s all about understanding the consumer’s needs in order to produce quality guard booths.

guard booth manufacturers custom booths

guard booth manufacturers custom booths

After ironing out everything from aesthetics to mechanics, the Sales team will send a potential customer a quote with guard shack prices within 24 business hours, together with accompanying photos.

“We understand that businesses need to think about this type of purchase and do their research,” Dorothy says. “We don’t do a ‘hard’ sell, we let our product and customer service speak for themselves.”

Once the customer gives the thumbs-up, the quote for the guard booth is converted into an invoice, with a 50% deposit required. “Being that each guard booth is custom-built, it would be difficult to sell it to another consumer,” Dorothy says.

Before sending the order off, the Sales team will comb through the guard booth specs one last time. Color, size, amenities, time frame, delivery date…all of it gets a careful review to avoid any miscommunication.

“There’s a lot of back and forth to make sure we’re designing and putting together an optimal booth to meet the customer’s needs,” Dorothy stresses. “We’re quick with follow up on each bit of communication or clarification; we’ll usually get back to them within one business day.”

And then it’s off to the workshop.


The Guard Booth Manufacturing Process

Once a deposit is received and the guard booth drawing approved, then the production team can get producing.

“It’s good to go,” Dorothy says.

While the manufacturing team usually manages the process, for more complex structures Guardian Booth works with our engineers to ensure the design is sound.

“It’s all done via assembly line,” she describes. Floor first, then walls, custom cutouts, and the booth neatly comes together as these modular construction manufacturers do their thing out of the warehouse that belongs to Guardian Booth in Orangeburg NY.

guard shack manufacturers step by step assembly of quality guard booths

guard shack manufacturers step by step assembly of quality guard booths

guard shack manufacturers step by step assembly of quality guard booths

“The most exciting aspect is the customizations,” she says. “The cool part is when a customer wants it permanently attached to a trailer or a special installation of solar panels.” It’s that kind of customization that keeps things interesting. And as an expert security booth manufacturer, Guardian Booth can accommodate those requests with quality results.

Always ready for a new challenge or innovation, Guardian Booth comes up with designs that are unconventional, like an oval booth for La Guardia Airport because it was a good match for the building’s architecture, or slanted-roofed ones with skylights for an amusement park so attendants can easily observe when a ride has come to a stop.

Personalizing and customizing the booth’s appearance is something these booth manufacturers thrive on. These can include anything from a unique and original architectural design to a funky color for the walls to printing a company logo on the front to wrapping the booth in vinyl for added protection. With a gamut of styles and vibes, a customer can achieve a variety of looks, ranging from splashy to sedate to sophisticated.

The Delivery

A standard booth will take about 4-6 weeks from when the deposit is received until delivery, with the booth manufacturers working tirelessly to get things perfect. However, the customized ones may take as long as 12 weeks depending on the complexity.

“Here’s something unique about us,” says Dorothy. “We charge no cost for shipping across the U.S.”

“Our booths have a unique base design and can easily be unloaded from the delivery truck to its final destination using a forklift and situated on the final destination, usually a concrete slab.”

guard booth manufacturers deliver a booth


Today Guardian Booth has far surpassed what it was as a guard shack manufacturer in an empty parking lot. After Abraham Taub earned his Streetwise ‘MBA’ from the SBA’s Emerging Leaders Program, this booth manufacturer quickly discovered he didn’t need to be the one building the booths, writing the marketing blogs, handling the payroll, and managing employees along with everything in between. Expanding his staff by adding an executive team of directors and managers, Guardian Booth continued to grow into a multimillion dollar company with over 50 employees building booths full time and hundreds of customers across the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, and beyond. It seems like these guard shack manufacturers, ‘the doctor’ and his old pal, certainly cornered that empty niche in the market by producing everything from office enclosures portable booths to modular medical clinics, from shed houses to flex space for businesses.

For those seeking security guard booths manufacturers, typing a quick Google search for ‘guard shacks for sale near me’ will show many satisfied customers that have been serviced by Guardian Booth. And Guardian Booth prides itself of having joined the list of A+ parking booth manufacturers, with guard booths in use around the country.

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